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After hearing that President had canceled funding for W.H.O. I checked with a retired doctor-writer on Signal Mountain. He felt like I did, this was an immoral betrayal. After taking part in a phone conference with Amnesty International on Refuges…

Poem written and read for Cold Open Mic series, April 2020; poem also published by the Buffalo News on 04/19/2020. Screenshot sent to me by the Buffalo News poetry editor, Robert D. Pohl.

No Toilet Paper.jpeg
When the pandemic first started, it was impossible to find toilet paper! This is the empty aisle at Harris Teeter grocery store in Davidson N.C.

Here's part of a scrapbook I'm making that documents my life in 2020. This page is about summer travels - home to Germany for my husband and for me mostly to places in my head. We had hoped to go to Greece, so I included small images of that. The…

COVID-19 graffiti on a gated culvert pipe on the campus of Davidson College

ENG 245 Final Meredith Day.pdf
Portraits of Now is an altered artist’s book that reflects themes and challenges of 2020 in America, mainly focused on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The original book, or the canvas, is titled The Portraits of John Howard Sanden (2001).…

A photograph of a homemade face mask and latex gloves. It is now very common to see workers and customers wearing similar protective equipment in retail stores. Some states, counties, and cities have made it mandatory for residents to wear masks…

A public librarian shares her story of learning to host online book clubs, dealing with internet issues and how remaining flexible is the key to it all.

How do we embrace and move with change, rather than against it_.pdf
This presentation seeks to present strategies for coping with change.

Catholic student Mass on Sundays on the porch of the Alumni House. People loved it and were extremely happy to be able to go to Mass again after nearly a year. Fantastic, beautiful location.
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