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Photograph of a handmade cotton mask hanging to dry after first use

WDAV 89.9FM discovered that we’re nimble, resilient, & embrace change.

I did do a short article on the coronavirus. This is in a Colorado State University online newsletter named Source. May 2020. Attached. 5 pages. No permission needed to reprint.

Life persists in the midst of its perpetual perishing. The…

An Exploration of Human Uniqueness (1).pdf
In the format of a newspaper, this project brings together several different perspectives on the topic of uniqueness. Looking from a Christian, Buddhist, Scientific, Psychologist, and a few other lenses, I explored if individuals should embrace their…

The pamphlet book about social life during COVID-19 combines a variety of emails Davidson College has sent its students. From the initial email asking students to leave campus in March 2020 to updates about testing, cases, and policies, the book…

This time has given me the opportunity to discover one of the talents God has given me. I am grateful that the people walking in front of my house where I am displaying my paintings seem to be creating their own fantasies and joy as they stand…

Inspired by the Humans of New York Project, we conducted forty-two interviews and constructed this gallery to connect with our fellow Davidson students and give them a space to share how their lives and styles have changed in response to the COVID-19…

Town of Davidson sign encouraging social distancing and other public safety practices when visiting parks and trails. It was posted in front of a playground at Roosevelt Wilson park that had been wrapped with orange fencing.

Collaborating with athletic trainers to plan covid testing requirements for student athletes in Spring 2021 when sporting events restarted
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